Thursday, November 24, 2016

What to buy for the film photographer?

Well, as I sit here on a rainy Thanksgiving morning, I am thinking about the coming buying avalanche that the stores are waiting for.  Adrienne and I now just exchange small gifts at Christmas, because we really, really, don't buy into the "go buy shit" for the holidays, and we also really don't need anything.    Booze and socks are always useful, but what does one buy for a film photographer? It's not like there are inexpensive items they can use except for film, right? And, hell, where does one even buy film?

Film photographers love to show that they love film, sort of like sticking up a certain finger to the all-digital crowd.    So, we love t-shirts, hats, pins, stickers, etc. to show off our passion about film.  I have put together a short list of small businesses that cater to EXACTLY people like me. And you, if you are another analog camera user.
Asilda has cute pins

I am a fan of the Asilda Store, as the small enamel pins sold featuring cameras and slogans are really well-made, subtle, and classy.  The pins are wonderful small gifts for any photographer. They look good on a lapel, camera strap, or hat.  Asilda also sells photography-themed patches.   I found their prices to be very reasonable, so check them out!

from ShootFilmCo
Mike Padua, owner of ShootFilmCo, has a wonderful array of patches, stickers, and other items for the photographer. You may want to check out his photo memo books, which are a recent addition to his store. I have several of his stickers on my car, and I love the smart designs he comes up with. The patches are well-made, too. The photo memo books are ideal for recording your exposures, notes, etc. while out shooting.  It may be a chore for some to write this stuff down, but if you want to know what you did on frame x,  they will prove to be quite helpful after you process your film and wonder what you did shooting away all day.

Nick Mayo, out in western Michigan, started up  Two Stops Apparel this year. I like his choice of items, and I am sure that he will continue to produce humorous and well-appreciated t-shirts, etc. for us folks.  As illustrated by T. Paul Wrobel, if you wear this shirt, you will never forget the order in which to process your roll of film.
T. Paul with a shirt from Two Stops Apparel

The Film Photography Project Store also has a number of stickers, as well as a classy T-shirt that photographers will like -- and their prices are very good.  You may also want to check out some of the films and other items that are offered.  Nothing beats a few rolls of film in the stocking!

Of course, there are other on-line places like Photo Jojo that cater to all photographers, and you will find something if you just Google it!    I like to support these smaller businesses, and they produce quality products, and their niche fits in with those of us already in a niche - analog photography.

As for me, I pretty much have all I need, except for that Bronica SQA. Okay I don't really need it, but you know how it is.

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