Friday, May 09, 2014

The 2014 FPP Findlay Walking Workshop

Last year, I went to Findlay, OH for the Film Photography Project's Walking Workshop.  This year, the FPP WWII is going to be even better, with more attendees, more events, and hopefully, better weather!
There will be a few folks from the Ann Arbor Crappy Camera Club in attendance, too.  The FPP WWII is a great opportunity to get together with other film-shooters, and it doesn't matter if you are a complete novice coming from the digital world, a long-time film shooter, or one of those hybrid types that will use any sort of camera depending on the situation.  Findlay (called America's Flag City) is situated in NW Central Ohio, and while not a large city, it offers a lot of photographic opportunities within walking distance of downtown.  Additionally, the University of Findlay and other nearby colleges have photographic programs which have made the area a local hotbed of film-based photography.  While the FPP head honchos are from New Jersey, it seems appropriate the the FPP WW is taking place in Findlay, where  60 people with film cameras will stand out much more than the urban East Coast.

I keep wondering what cameras I'll take to such events, and it seems that i always pack more than I use.  This time, I am bringing my Mamiya C330, a couple of Nikon bodies and lenses, and a couple of toy cameras...and a Polaroid or two.  That should do it. Oh, and a Nikon 1 digital for snapshots.

Some folks probably wonder what they will get out of a meetup such as this.  Undoubtedly, the best thing is meeting other folks sharing similar interests, and it is a pretty darn nice group of people at the FPP.  I always learn something new, and I may not come away with a lot of great images, but that's not the point.  It's a social and educational event that may well get your creative juices flowing again.

 and now for a chuckle.

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