Tuesday, May 15, 2007

J&C Is Gone

For the past few years, there was a unique online store where one could buy all kinds of black and white films -- 120, 35mm, and various custom sizes of sheet film. J&C Photo was a responsive seller, and offered a variety of emulsions (especially from European manufacturers as as Efke, Maco, Foma, etc.) at really good prices. Alas, on May 12, they posted that despite their best effort to relocate their business in Nevada, things have fallen apart and they will no longer be an entity.

It's entirely possible that the problems in getting supplies from Europe have added to their their troubles, as well as the shrinking film market. I still think that a boutique store of this type could make it, but I don't know what kinds of problems they were having that led to their closing up. I really liked their custom film sizes, and am now kicking myself for not buying a bunch of 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 sheet film. I do have a box of 2 x 3" sheet film from them, so I can at least put it to use in my baby graphic.

Thanks, J&C -- I have missed ordering from you. Freestyle is now the only place that caters especially to film users, so I suggest that you support them.

Winding road

Photo taken of the road just S of Northport, WI (Door Peninsula) - Kowa Six, J&C 200 Classic Pan film.

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