Maybe one is a hipster if that person never picked up a film camera before seeing some Lomo advertisement? But really, many of us have been using film cameras since when that's ALL THERE WAS at the time, and continue to use them - in natural light, no less. Maybe the post is tongue-in-cheek, but it sort of insults people that might actually want to buy from B&H. I guess Freestyle is the last bastion of non-hipster photographers...
What do you think?
Is Kevin a Hipster, or am I for using a Great Wall Camera?
I don't think anyone who uses real film cameras are hipsters. There is so much more to being a hipster than the camera equipment you use. If using vintage cameras makes me a hipster then I am a HUGE hipster and proud to be. I have too many cameras to count. And I will pick up anyone one of my film cameras over my DSLR.
I agree that people who exclusively use iPhone apps are hipsters and wannabe's. But I admit, I am guilty of using those apps too. I like to use them just to have fun.
A very unfortunate B&H "Insight". Reading through some of the comments on that entry, I don't think the author of the entry got positive feedback from his peers at B&H.
Other than that, I am not easily offended. I do what I do and don't think too much about what others think about it. By now, I have built an awesome collection of Minolta MC/MD equipment with half a dozen fully functional and refurbished bodies (most of them XD7/11) and a lot of good Minolta glass. When I pick up any of the Minolta cameras, I know exactly what results to expect from a shot - as opposed to what the B&H blog entry is suspecting from anyone using a film based camera.
I wasn't offended, but even though his post was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, I don't think many took it that way. One can be humorous about the whole hipster thing, and I understand what he was trying to do, but his execution was poor. I see many young folks who never shot film suddenly finding it alluring, and that's a good thing.
I didn't find this incredibly offensive, but it did make me let out a sigh. There are certainly other reasons to use a film camera besides complementing one's countercultural attitudes.
As far as I'm concerned, my Pentax 67 and homemade 6x9 camera are better than any DSLR I've ever used, because I have to think more when I use them, so the experience is more gratifying. Really, this B&H article belittles the other joys of shooting film.
I think all film users in today's world of photography are hipsters. I shoot film too, so I think we just need to accept the fact that we shoot film because we think it's cool and looks good, and that we're hipsters, instead of getting offended and vowing never to buy from b&h.
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