Friday, December 31, 2004

Lensbabies are cool

fading jug
Originally uploaded by argusmaniac.
I have finally developed some rolls of film taken with my Nikon FM and my new lensbaby. What a cool, creative tool! I can see how it could easily be overused... but until then I plant on trying it out in a variety of situations. This is the window in my bathroom in the basement. The jubs and bottles there are always great subjects to play with.

As this year draws to a close, I see that I shot hundreds of b&w images, developed well over 100 rolls of b&w film, and have in general, had a lot of photographic fun.

My goals for 2005:

Make more prints - and make them in standardized sizes.

Get material together for a showing

Sell a few prints

Do more portrait work

I hope 2005 will be a more peaceful year all around, but given the current political situation...who knows.

May all of you have a good year!

Sunday, December 26, 2004

A morning in the Greenhouse

Originally uploaded by argusmaniac.
I spent 3 hours in the conservatory at Matthaei Botanical Gardens this morning. Cameras - my Mamyia 645E, Nikon FM, and my FujiPinepix S7000. I used my lensbaby that I got for Christmas on my Nikon. A fun piece of equipment. Go to for more info. A simple piece of Holga-like lens in a flexible housing that really will add some creative angles to your photography!
This shot of an agave was taken by the digicam, and somewhat resembles the shot I took (I hope) with the Mamiya.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

glasswarp - reflections on reaching 48

Originally uploaded by argusmaniac.
As I sat after dinner tonight, I saw this pattern in the stem of my wine glass on the dining room table. I ran downstarirs and retrieved my Fuju S7000, screwed on the adapter tube and a 52 mm +1diopter and took several images of what you see here.
Today was also my 48th birthday...still on the good side of 50, and I guess I can't complain...much. I am having fun with photography, have a great wife and teenage daughter, am relatively healthy, and my job is pretty good.
What would I like to do in the coming year? I guess I need to finish up some dragonfly-related projects, sherpherd my friend's book through the printers, get really proficient at printing and matting, and hold a gallery show somewhere. Oh yes, and get a model or two for some art projects...