This year, WTCD is OCTOBER 18th. That's a Saturday. Get your rear in gear and go shoot with a toy camera! The flickr group is: http://www.flickr.com/groups/worldtoycameradayand_then_some/
I'm pleased with how the exhibit has come together. This show is comprised of the work of only 4 of us, which I believe is a better way to showcase our work. Having only one or two images in a larger show with a dozen other photographers is definitely less exposure for a photographer. With more pieces on the wall you can better connect with your viewers, and potential buyers, since you are offering them more choices. I know, it's not really about the "selling." Riight. Almost anyone that sells a photo will tell you that it's the best validation of your work.
We have the reception this Friday, October 3, from 7 - 9 pm. Receptions are often when one makes the sales. In this case, having the photos in a store for 3 weeks will undoubtedly be even better. I'll be interested in seeing how people react to the photos by Bill Bresler, John Baird, Mike Myers and me. Some people don't understand the Crappy Camera part, but once they view the images, I believe they leave their misconceptions behind, and see the art. Despite the onslaught of digital imagery and the pervasiveness of Photoshop, people are often quite surprised at what we can do with relatively simple cameras. In the end, the photograph speaks for itself.