Saturday, February 06, 2010

Huron River Ice - a long-term project

I have been doing more photography of ice for a long-term project. Ice can take so many forms and abstract patterns, that the photos are a lot of fun to do with no two days ever being the same. Photos I took last year under certain conditions are not likely to be repeated. Moreover, I have to do them when it's cold out, which is always another set of challenges. Anyhow, the Huron River and Fleming Creek have been one of my oft-visited places for this project. I was out today and stopped at the Delhi Rapids by Delhi Road between Dexter and Ann Arbor off of Huron River Drive. There were many great shapes and abstract forms. I shot with my Fuji Finepix S2Pro in b&w mode, and a Nikkor 80-210 AF-D lens.




  1. Och Mark, it maebee a longterm project, but ye better hurrie up beefore re ice melts ;-) ;-)

  2. Howdy -- Just found your blog while wandering around the interwebs looking for other film photogs. Good stuff, fun to read! I've been futzing around with ice puddles myself; love how ice creates so many abstractions.


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