Friday, November 10, 2006

pinholed again

Originally uploaded by argusmaniac.
Every once in a while, I decide to play with producing images from a pinhole camera. It's a method that some people absolutely love or are else indifferent about. Locals like Matt Callow have really done some nice work and received some well-deserved attention. For me, it's a fun diversion now and then, and I appreciate the work of others, but it's not my favorite mode of making photos. However, for our latest Krappy Kamera assigment, we are supposed to modify a camera or make a camera, so using Ross Orr's instructions, I modified a cheap little Vivitar 35mm camera with a 28mm lens, into a pinhole camera.

My only problem is that the hole for the part that housed the lens is a small circular opening, and I had to file away some of the opening, but not so much that I could not use the sliding lens cover as a shutter for the pinhole. As a result, my images are circular, but overall, it was a pretty easy conversion. I used Delta 400 film and exposed the shots at somewhere between 10 and 15 seconds.

I took the camera out to Matthaei Botanical gardens and shot a roll in the conservatory. I like the way this giant agave looks like a more diminutive spider plant!

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