Monday, November 06, 2006

A big haul of old roll film

A big haul for 25 bucks
Originally uploaded by argusmaniac.
Sunday was the big event of the year for the Michigan Photographic Historical Society (MiPHS) -- our annual photographica show in Novi. It was really well-attended this year -- with over 240 people coming through the door. I spent most of the day behind the table for the society, hawking our items for sale (all of which were donated), and having a good time talking to people. One of the things we had was in our silent auction -- a big box of about 75 rolls of old film -- 127, 620, 120, 116, 616, and 828. I won that item for 25 bucks, which is a pretty good deal, even for old b&w film. A lot of it dates from the 1970s, which is pretty recent compared some 620 I had that expired in 1961. It was still useable, so I'm guessing that the Verichrome Pan in this lot isn't too bad. There are a bunch of rolls of old Kodacolor X (C-22 process) in 620 that I will probably sell or give away just for the metal spools.
It will be especially interesting to play with the 828 and 127 film. There were some funky brands in there that have not been seen in a while, and I'll just keep those as examples. Anscopan, Ideal and Perutz film. The Ideal was made by Agfa, and has the Kryptar name on the roll. Sounds like it came from Superman's home planet...


  1. Oh dear god in heaven...that is what you call a Bonanza...see, in the woods when looking for sheephead the size of tanks, we call it a bonanza because of the huge porportions. Here we have the same thing...only better. Wow, is that a sight of glory indeed. Good haul in and have fun ripping it up.

    Hello, Mark, thought I'd pass by and say hi and read a bit. Cheers and Happy Thanks giving.


  2. i know its about a year too late, but i have an Argus Seventy-Five that only takes 120/620 on metal spools and im having the hardest time finding film... do you still have anything left from your wonderful win?


  3. Freestyle ( ) in California has all the 120 film you need -- The Arista 100 B&W is perfect for the Argus 75.

    You can use 120 in the supply spool if you trim the spool edges a bit.


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