Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Simple Joys

 I have been in a bit of a creative slump lately, whether it's writing or making photos. Today, I have felt the best in about a week, after getting over some lower-back issues that had me in a lot of pain and limiting my mobility.  Thanks to some stretches, ibuprofen, and heat pad, I now feel pretty good.  It's a rainy day, and the daffodils are looking quite good.  Spring is here, a bit later in the mountains than along the coast.

But what I want to write is about how some simple pleasures can bring joy to a day.  I was eating breakfast, and my second slice of toast was in need of some jam.  I went to the fridge and pulled out the small jar of raspberry jam that my mother-in-law had made the previous year.  She's 97 years old, and is still able to make jam.  There was just enough left in the jar for one slice of bread, and as I emptied it and smoothed it over the toast, I anticipated how good it would taste.  When the raspberry jam reached my taste buds, I had this singular moment of joy.  Accompanying this were thoughts of how wonderful a gift this was, and the knowledge of how the berries were picked and eventually ended up hundreds of miles from the source.  THIS was the spark I needed to get my mojo back!  

In our ever-challenging world, we need moments like this to remind ourselves that a simple pleasure such as home-made raspberry jam should not be taken for granted.  Whatever small pleasures you enjoy, take time to experience them.  Appreciate the sublime.  Photography does not have to be about the fantastic, outrageous, or unique. A sublime image can connect us to shared experiences, and if photography is a visual language, no text is needed to tell the audience what's happened.  

While that was it for that jar, I am comforted in knowing that we have a few more in the pantry. 

For me, photography is also a simple joy.  I photograph for myself, and if others like my images, that's great. If I did not enjoy doing it, I'd be doing something else. My artistic skills in other mediums are not great.  While I also enjoy using film, I won't deny the advantage of immediacy with a digital image.  It does not matter what you use, only that you are doing something that brings you joy.  

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