Monday, January 25, 2021

Revisiting Themes

 Right now, I am in the midst of doing more scanning and editing of images that I made over a decade ago.  As I have said before, it's an ongoing project.  However, I have been working specifically to find appropriate images for my next issue of Monochrome Mania No. 4, which will deal with winter photography.  In 2011, I had a pretty good show at Matthaei Botanical gardens with my "Phase Change" exhibit.  

I had a pretty good selection of prints in 16x20 frames.  I didn't sell a single one.  That's not unusual for such shows that are in an atypical gallery space.  I still have a couple of them adorning my walls here in NC, as they are evidence of a winter that we don't typically see here.  Finding the old negatives was easy once I realized that I had put them in a binder devoted just to winter ice and snow images.  Scanning them in now and making adjustments brings back some memories, and also some observations:

  • Kodak's Technical Pan film is perfect for this subject
  • Photography on overcast days was the best, as the highlights didn't get blown out.
  • I used manual cameras, such as the Nikon FM2A, F2S, and Canon FTb QL, and A1.  In doing so, I compensated the exposure by watching where the needle or LED was in overexposing.  

Water and ice are fascinating subjects, and I think this next issue of Monochrome Mania will be worthy of the effort that I put in a decade ago.  I hope to have it ready by March.

1 comment:

  1. I've been enjoying your ice photos on Instagram. Looking forward to the next MM issue!


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