Monday, April 06, 2020

Something new -- Photo Notes

I talk about the Kodak Pony in this video

I have been thinking about this for a while, and today I finally shot a little video to share on YouTube.  It doesn't replace blogging, but I hope to do a few more of these short Photo Notes videos (less than 10 minutes) to share my experience with the photo community.   Let me know what you think.  I know I have to do a better job with the framing, but it was all done on the quick, using a Canon G10 camera, my iPad, and iCloud, and iMovie - first time ever, but I'll get better.  So, Photo Notes will be that - short videos to inform and maybe amuse.

The link is  -

Have a good day!


  1. Cool vid!

    You mentioned the Monochrome Mania zine in the video, and I see there's a link to buy one in the sidebar of the blog, but when I click, it says "Item not found". Do you have any zines currently in stock, and if so, how would I get my hands on one?


  2. Shawn,
    Somehow that javascript didn't work, so I put the link to buy on the top of the links on the right side of the page.

    It IS still available!

  3. Cool, Mark! Just purchased.


If you are trying to spam, sell digital crap, link to an external sales site, it will be deleted. I welcome respectful dialog and comments.