Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Filmtastic Fun at the FPP HQ

I had a long weekend in NJ last week, as I drove out with Leslie Lazenby Hunsberger to the Film Photography Project HQ in Fair Lawn, NJ.  Mat Marrash arrived just a few moments after we did on Thursday, and Mike Raso met us at the door. John Fedele and Mark Dalzell showed up in Friday to be part of the recording sessions.  I'm not going to go into any details, as I'll "save it for the show."  However, we did manage to take care of the huge number of boxes of donated cameras, accessories and film that were sent to the FPP donation program, and were quite pleased with what we had accomplished by the time we finished Saturday afternoon. We recorded a lot of podcasts, and they will resume March 15 (yay! I like listening to them as well.).

While there, I had a lot of fun shooting film in the studio, doing the podcasts, and of course, checking out the donations. Mike made sure that we ate well, and those NJ diners are amazing. The time flew by and I had to head home on Sunday.  All I can say is that I am touched and pleased at how many people are getting back into film, and how others are trying it for the first time and enjoying the process.  The FPP is a conduit for our love of film to the world at large, and it seems more and more folks are enjoying shooting with film.

One thing that we discovered while doing the shows (what show?) is that B&H lists the FPP as a place to donate your film cameras.  That was a great surprise to us, and if you find yourself with more gear than you need or want, the FPP Donation Program is a good place for your stuff. It gets cameras in the hands of students in elementary, high school, and community college photography programs.

Much to my surprise, Al Roker had a segment on the analog processes in yesterday's TODAY show! Watch it and enjoy!


  1. So far, 2017 is a fabulous year for film photography! If there's a story about tintypes on the Today Show, you know film photography has found a niche that at least has mainstream appeal.

  2. "What Show?"

    Looking forward to hearing you on the podcast!


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