Monday, July 23, 2012

Some Fair Images from the Debonair Camera

In my last post, I described buying a plastic Debonair camera from the store of the Film Photography Project. Turns out I was the first person to purchase the camera from the FPP store! On Friday, I took my Debonair around campus and into downtown Ann Arbor to see what I could photograph during the huge Ann Arbor Art Fair. I shot all 16 frames and developed the film yesterday morning. I used a roll of Freestyle's Arista 100 Ultra (which appears to be a Foma film), and developed it in T-max RS developer for about 5.5 minutes. Considering that the nominal exposure of the Debonair is 1/100 @ f/8, a sunny day will produce really bright highlights on light surfaces, and with the Art Fairs using many white-topped booths, it definitely shows. However, mid-tones look good. Here are a few of my favorite images:


Different strokes
Different Strokes

Mr. Jojangles
Mr. Jo Jangles, one man band.

Overall, I like this camera a lot better than the old Diana, and it seems to be better constructed than the Holga, too. The rectangular 6x4.5 cm frame is fine, and it is easy to hold the camera and shoot in landscape mode. It has a standard flash shoe, so I will carry a small fill flash with me next time.


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