Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Off to Photostock 2011

Every year for the past few years (except last year) a bunch of film photographers meet up N of Traverse City MI in late June to attend what has become Photostock (you know, like photography Woodstock). Bill Schwab hosts the event in Harbor Springs, and it's a very laid-back time. It's great to reconnect with other photographers with similar interests, and spend time talking about photography, doing lots of shooting, and basically recharging the creative batteries. Usually I team up with my buddy Marc Akemann, and we go find photos where we can. It's a lot of driving, of course, but we have a great time, and some of my most memorable photographs have been made during the long Photostock weekend.

I try to bring a different camera system or format for each time I have participated. This year, I am leaving the DSLR and lenses home, and am shooting mostly medium format. I'll have my Mamiya 645E system, a Great wall 6x6 SLR, a Halina AI TLR (crappiness abounds!) and an Argus Argoflex 40 to shoot some expired Verichrome Pan film. I'll also have my Penatx ME with the 40mm pancake lens and the pocketable Chinon Bellami (see previous post) for the 35mm end. An Olympus C5050 will be with me for snapshots of events. I'm also bringing a backdrop, lightstands and umbrellas in case I decide to shoot portraits with the Great Wall.
trip arsenal

Hopefully, we won't have rain, but whatever happens, I know it will be good to get away!

See you next week.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, this looks like so much fun! Our daughter-in-law is from Whitehall, MI - maybe I can convince wife, son & daughter-in-law to all take a visit there next June with ulterior motive of me spending a day with you guys :-)


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