Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Using Jeff's Camera - episode 1

A couple of weeks ago I purchased a Nikon FM from the estate of Jeff Lamb, who died on March 22. I don't know the history of the camera, and where Jeff shot with it, but it had sentimental appeal to me, and it's an all-black FM (with brassing in all the right places and no dents) and I have always wanted one that worked properly. I put in new S-76 cells and the camera seems to work just fine. One of my projects this year, to pay my respect to Jeff, is to use the camera for street photography, and use a different lens each month. The lens I tested it with is the standard 50mm 2.0 AIS lens. I mostly like Aperture-priority for street shots, so using the LED-matching manual exposure of the FM is less convenient, but certainly not a problem.

Some images from the first roll:

The above images were all shot on Kodak Gold 100 C-41 film - my favorite color emulsion.

With the 85mm lens, the camera is heavier, but that nice metal focus ring is a joy to use -- when it is warm. I'll post episode 2 at the end of April.

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