Monday, September 29, 2008

World Toy Camera Day 2008

This year, WTCD is OCTOBER 18th.  That's a Saturday.  Get your rear in gear and go shoot with a toy camera!  The flickr group is:

1 comment:

  1. A World Toy Camera Day community affair with like minded toy camera photographers from all over the globe who take part on this day in the month of October. A day where we wake up in the wee hours of the morning and load all of our favorite plastic cameras like the Holga, Diana, Brownies and the like and end the day with our Low-fi, Low-brow, blurry and ridiculously out of focus snap shots. A day also invented by Becky Ramotowski who took the idea from World Pinhole Photography Day. Her idea spawned a world wide annual event using toy cameras and shooting endless rolls of 120 and Polaroid film...oh and even some crappy 35mm too...and has been in circulation for six years now. See you all there.

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