Sunday, September 14, 2008

Vintage Argus: Contemporary Images

The show opening was great! Matt, John, Mike, Ross and I met on the afternoon of the 9th to hang to show. It didn't take us all that long, and I think they made great choices on placing the images. It looked great, and on Friday night, the 12th, we had a wonderful reception. I'd estimate 60 people showed up, and many stayed for a long time to socialize, eat and drink, and view the show and the Argus Museum. I was glad that Carol and Martha, Gene's daughters were there to be part of the reception, and I believe it was a feeling of closure for all of us, as the show was dedicated to their parents, Gene and George O'Neal.


MiPHS also was one of the hosts for the reception, and a few MiPHS members attended -- I would have liked to have seen a few more there, but for a few, it was their first time at the Argus Museum. I also think we may have gained a member or two in the process.


I spent a lot of time talking to new visitors to the museum, and I think everyone really enjoyed our photographs. There is a nice variety, and overall, it was a pretty easy show to put together. We had plenty of wine and food, and ran out of time before the refreshments ran out!


Today, four of us were at the museum to be part of the Old West Side Home Tour. The Argus Museum was part of the tour for the first time since the Argus building was reclaimed from UM and renovated in 1987. 187 people viewed the museum and the photo exhibit today, and it was a lot of fun talking to first-time visitors to the museum, most who never knew it was there, even though they lived closeby. Lots of nice comments on the photography, and it was a pleasant way to spend a mostly rainy afternoon.

Come and see the show...

The exhibit is up until October 12, and will be viewable 9 to 5 pm during the week. The Argus Museum is located at 535 West William Street, Ann Arbor, MI.

Added 09/19 -- Write-up online in the Ann Arbor Chronicle.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this. I hope at some point to visit this museum.

    Dave Chiriboga


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