Thursday, February 08, 2007

Sexy Kowa Six

Sexy Kowa Six
Originally uploaded by mfophotos.

For some time I have wanted a medium format SLR with a 6x6 cm format with the ergonomics of a Hasselblad, not the Kiev 60 tank that I have had for a number of years. Last year, Marjorie saw a Hasselblad 501CM at Big George's and with some trading, and a generous discount, she soon was the owner of one of the best systems available. I, being cheap, or at least bargain-oriented, wanted a similar camera, but with affordable lenses. I love twin-lens reflex cameras, but they can be fiddly, and hard to find the appropriate filters, etc. In addition, they generally suck at doing close-ups.

So, even though I have a Mamiya 645E, and Pentax 6x7, I really wanted a better square format camera to replace the Kiev 60. My obvious choice, going the non-Hasselblad route, would have been a Bronica SQ series. Expandable, reliable system with different backs, prisms, etc. Not too expensive, either. I looked at KEH and saw I could put a kit together for less than $400.

I also saw how some people really liked the Kowa Six and Kowa 66 cameras. Their relative simplicity, nice ergonomics, well-regarded optics, and beauty intrigued me. Then, I saw one on ebay with no bids for $149.00! I put on a bid, and fully expected to be outbid. There were no other bidders. Within a few days, I had the camera in my hands, complete with a manual (yay!) and lens cap.

The film spools through inside like a Rolleiflex, as the back is not detachable. But it also allows one to use 220 and 120. Great option!
I borrowed Marjorie's Hasselblad strap, and took the camera out yesterday. It was bitterly cold when the wind was blowing. The waist-level viewfinder and beefy controls allowed me to use the camera with golves on and not frost up the viewfinder. Wonderful backwards images appeared in my ground-glass screen. I shot a roll of Tri-X that came with the camera.

frieze demolition

Not bad. I love it already. Now I am selling my Kiev 60 on ebay. Anyone need a camera that will stop a bullet?


  1. Did you ever find lenses for the Kowa Six?

  2. Did you ever find any lenses for your Kowa Six? I'm having trouble finding any that are under 4 or 500 bucks.

  3. I sold by Kowa Six about 5 years ago, and as far as I know, the additional lenses are hard to come by. Good luck!

  4. I got an awesome deal on my kit. While it doesn't have any of the more rare glass, I do have the 55, 85, and 150 covered pretty well.

    There's also a certain retro pleasantness about taking photos with the SIX that I don't even get out of the Bronica.


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