Thursday, September 28, 2006

Krappy Kamera Night

Originally uploaded by argusmaniac.
Tuesday evening I hosted the monthly meeting of the Ann Arbor Krappy Kamera Club. It was our best urnout so far, with over a dozen participants, including some new faces, and people from much farther away than Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti. Kalamazoo, Lansing, and Dexter were also represented. We started the evening presenting the results from our assignment, which was to do a photograph, or series of photographs, representing something about the future. A couple of people really got into presenting some future scenarios, such as Mike's "Skin Farming" series. His narrative was hilarious, and the images very imaginative.

I followed with a demo on mounting and matting using both archival methods, and the dry-mount press. We had planned on watching the movie "Pecker", but it was getting late. It certainly was a fun evening, meeting some new people, as well as meeting some people for the first time that I have "known" on Flickr for quite a while.

Erin (e50e on Flickr) was having a great time shooting some of my old cameras with her Holgaroid -- which was also a very interesting camera on its own! Presented below is one of her very cool images from Flickr of my Crest 120 camera:


It will be interesting to see how this group goes- having been involved with it from the start -- I'm optimistc that we will have a going concern of people that enjoy using and producing some real fine photographs with these crappy cameras.

1 comment:

  1. My dad has a collection of those old box cameras.

    Cool photos.


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