Thursday, July 06, 2006


Originally uploaded by argusmaniac.
Yesterday morning, I was in Munising with my family. I left the motel room early, slipping out into the very cool morning air abround 6:45 am. I drove the mile or so up the road to the parking area for Wagner Falls, one of the prettiest waterfalls in the UP (Upper Peninsula of Michigan for you non-Michiganders). I hade been there a couple of times before, and always had to battle through people being there and trying to shoot decent images.

Third time is a charm... there was nobody there -- the air was still, a mist hovered over the falls, and the sun was not shining on my subject. Perfect. I was able to spend over an hout there shooting away until, satiated, I packed up my gear and headed back down the trail. Only then did I meet a couple on their way in. 1.5 hrs alone at a waterfall - ideal conditions -- perfect. nirvana. I had fun. I shot dozens and dozens of digital images and finished off 2 rolls 35mm film.

Did I say that I had fun?


  1. It sounds like you had a great time.

    Nirvana. Quite solitude. The lovely nothingness of time to reflect. If you have this kind of view, all the bwtter.

  2. okay, Mark, did you use any filters for this image. The image has an interesting aura about it. Hard to explain, but a beautiful pic!

  3. Leesa -- no filters, but it was a long exposure at about f22, probably 4 seconds. The white highlights get blown out a bit, because of that. The mist from the falls probably gives it the ethereal feeling. Glad you like it!

    Much better than my first attempt there several years ago!

    PG-- I do my best work in the morning. My brain gets scrambled as te day wears on...


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