Saturday, July 22, 2006

Presque Isle Park and a Diana

blackrocks 3
Originally uploaded by argusmaniac.
In early July, I visited Presque Isle Park, which is on the outskirts of Marquette, MI. Adrienne, Marjorie, and I were there for the incoming freshman orientation at NMU. I can see Marjorie going there and photographing --- a wonderfully abstract area known as Black Rocks is superb. I shot this image with my Diana, and it's definitely a spot that I would like to shoot with some of my better medium-format cameras. The fissured, lichen-encrusted rocks, small pools, and juxtaposition of sky and lake, make for some excellent photographic possibilities. Lucky kid...

1 comment:

  1. agh! I really need to get out with my camera.

    I need to hop in my car and just go. I so miss it!


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