Thursday, June 08, 2006

Moving On

Time to Celebrate
Originally uploaded by argusmaniac.
Last night was the 2006 Commencement for Huron High School. The class is large enough - over 500 students - that they held it at EMU's Convocation Center. It's an event that for me at least, holds mixed significance. On one hand, it's obviously a celebration and culmination of 4 years of high school. Marjorie was in the top 25 of her class, and one of 61 students to maintain a 3.9 or better GPA over 4 years. I'm certainly extremely proud of her, and her accomplishments. On the other hand, we know that this is just the first step on the way to becoming an adult, with all the responsibilities and more education to come. She thinks that way too much is made of HS graduation, because it should be expected of everyone. I think she has a point there. For some kids, this may be the end of any formal schooling, other than the hard knocks of life. It may be the last time that they had an opportunity to learn with some superior, and dedicated teachers that want them to excel. For others, they will move on to various schools or perhaps trades that will give them more skills and knowledge to have creative, productive lives. As I said, it's really more of a beginning than and end.

Marjorie will attend Northern Michigan University this fall, and likely pursue studies in art and desgin, and history. She's interested in architecture, preservation of historical buildings, and the impact of local theaters and restoring buildings in small towns and cities. So, if anyone is looking for a bright, artisitic, and good-natured summer intern in the Ann Arbor area, email me.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely post. I always wonder how parents feel on a day like graduation. I think you captured it perfectly.

    Thanks for stopping by, I hope to see you again!


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