Friday, February 10, 2006

The Joy of Color

Freedom Township barn
Originally uploaded by argusmaniac.
..especially in medium format. This is one shot from several rolls of color negative film that I did with my Ciroflex camera. It's a twin-lens reflex made in the 1940s-50s in Delaware OH and Detroit, MI. Graflex later bought the Ciro company and the camera became the Graflex 22. It's a solidly-built camera, and if the lenses are clear and the mirror not too bad, it is still capable of taking pretty decent photographs.

This barn is in Freedon Twp., which is near Manchester, MI. Film is Agfa Optima 100. Processing done by Dwayne's Photo in Parson's KS. I'm really happy with their service, and they are online . They are the only lab in the US that will develop Kodachrome!


  1. I absolutely love old barns.

  2. Each one definitely has its own character. Thanks for popping in!

  3. Nice.

    Ciro-Flex TLRs are what I got started with in MF. My girlfriend's late father shot her childhood pics with one, and when I mentioned an interest, she loaned it to me. Loved it, moving on to Rollei TLRs and a Burke & James press camera. But that old Ciro-Flex has a place in my heart.

    Oh, the factory still exists. Kind of a run-down part of Delaware, Ohio; across from the cemetery. I live in NW Ohio, so swung past the factory on a recent trip to Columbus.


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