Monday, January 24, 2005

snow shadows

snow shadows
Originally uploaded by argusmaniac.
Winter is not my favorite time of year for photography -- when its cold, my glasses fog up while trying to compose in the viewfinder, the cold air sucks the life out of batteries, and everything becomes more difficult. Snow gets frozen in the tripod sections, and of course, in a sunny day, the white snow presents its own challenges.

Having said that, I finally took out my Fuji Finepix S7000 on Sunday, as well as my Nikon FM and my Ricoh Six - a folding 6 x 4.5 camera. It was cold and the snow was certainly pretty, and gave me a good workout trudging through it for a couple of hours.

This photo, taken with the digi, is perhaps my favorite of the day. The long, deeper shadows from the trees contrasts with the tiny, thin shadows cast by the twigs poking out of the snow, and the sun's low position gives the scene a nice dimensionality. I took the same shot with the Nikon FM on Ilford FP4+. Can't wait to see how those print...

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