Sunday, September 11, 2011

Pinholery! A New DIY Book on Pinhole Cameras.

I was at the local Barnes and Noble boostore last weekend, and found a new book on pinhole photography that might just be the most useful one that I have seen. Chris Keeney's "Pinhole Cameras - A Do-It-Yourself Guide" is a well-presented guide to making your own pinhole cameras from a variety of containers. He does not leave anything to chance, and provides all the steps necessary for the un-schooled and un-skilled to make their own pinhole cameras. It's easy for some of us to forget that not everyone is mechanically inclined, and the author provides a great cookbook-style guide for pinhole camera making. In fact, like some cookbooks, the book is wire-bound inside the hard cover, meaning it lays flat, making it far more useable on the workshop table while attempting to make a camera.

The author also covers the basics of film and paper negatives, how to develop your own exposures, and includes a glossary of terms for the newcomers. He even shows all that one needs for a simple "darkroom." I think this book will be great for anyone who hasn't yet attempted to make a pinhole camera but feels daunted by the whole process -- as simple as it may seem -- there are still some things that one needs to know to be successful. For those not into using film, Keeney provides information on using a body cap with a pinhole for your DSLR. In short, an enjoyable book that will be quite useful for anyone that is considering playing with pinhole cameras.

Book info: Keeney, Chris. 2011. Pinhole Cameras: A Do-It-Yourself Guide. Princeton Architectural Press, 37 east Seventh Street, Ny, NY. 10003. 191 pp., ISBN #978-1-56898-989-1. Price: $18.95 (US).

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